Martyr Aaron Swartz and my biggest disappointment in 2012

Labels: linux, Open Access, politics, Research
Blog covering some selected happenings in my life.
Labels: linux, Open Access, politics, Research
Almost a year has passed since my last post [link]. So much of unbelievable stuff has taken place. The result of the elections I was complaining of was a big joke. The NDP won with the worst kind ever of tampering, gaining more than 95%. Just less than two months later, people finally revolted against the regime, bringing down Mubarak, dissolving the parliament, removing some of the corrupt figures. However, they are replaced by by a ruling military junta which is so far trying to spread its wings. The regime is not brought down. People are refusing the change.
So it turns out I totally ignored my return. I refused the miracle of being brought back to life? My last post was more than 1 year and 8 months ago. I thought that I was alive again. I thought that changing jobs would mean a start of a new life. Yes, I started a new life with a new job. I vowed to change. I promised my self to improve. I laid out plans for the next coming couple of years of my life to progress. However, I didn't adapt to the changing circumstances. More pressure is building up. Looks like I am starting to give up. Either I implode and destroy myself or explode and wreck everybody.
Well, it has been almost 4 years since I have started this blog. I don't know why have stopped writing in it. Obviously, by skimming through the dozen of posts I have written, most of my posts are about rants, criticizing, pathetic comparisons, some personal diaries and some technical posts. This would lead to the conclusion that I am not focused and this blog should be specialized. Well when I started this blog 4 years ago, it was first meant to be a bit political. Then I started 4 other blogs for technical and personal posts. Then I decided to let it all be in one. I was treating it as way to think out loudly or to log some diary entries but online.
It has been almost a year since I have last posted. Too bad I quit writing and I think I have lost all my writing skills. So most probably, I will be writting some crap till my style improves. But why have I suddenly remembered my blog? It is the holy month of Ramadan, almost 6am. I don't know. I am just a bit bored and I ran out of websites to checkout. So I hit and suddenly sitemeter was autocompleted as it appeared from my bookmarks in the new Google chrome browser. I remember I was blogging about my expereince with firefox about 3 years ago for my first anniversary with it. Probably my next post would be about my browser experience. I don't have much to say now. I am not into political posts anymore. I don't even read blogs almost at all now, even technical ones. I will look through drafted posts and post them accordingly.
Labels: Azhar, Buddhism, Burma, corruption, Democracy, egypt, Islam
I have been following this TV Series about King Farouq I, the overthrown monarch and the last ruling member of the royal family. Although nominaly King Ahmed Fouad II was the list king of Egypt, but he was 6 months old when he was a declared as a king and he was in Italy with his family till the declaration of the republic and abolishment of monarchy one year later. That particular part of history, the reign of king Farouq is a much contested part of our modern history. All what we learnt in school is that the monarchy was full of corruption, agency of the palace to the British, social injustice and lack of development. Unfortunately there aren't many "unbiased" sources about that period. Either the bull crap of the pro Nasserists idiots or the pro royalists who linger to their lost titles and lands. However, its possible to gather some bits pieces of information form some articles published here and there or some books (who mostly happen to be about other nations) that mentions Egypt during the 1940s. Historians are also very biased, not to mention Mohamed Hassanein Heikal. I think Dr. Younan Labib Rizk is not that biased but I haven't read much for him.
Labels: corruption, disasters, egypt, elections, Monarchy, politics
I felt I had a lot to say. I felt the need that I want to write a lot. I came here to write something like 5 different lengthy posts about 3 different topics, but suddenly, as soon as I went to the blog I became blank!! Don't know why. May be its 4.30 am. Hmm, anyways, I decided to revive this blog. I will come back soon in about a day or two.
I don't know why, but last night I started a new hobby which is keeping track of President Hosni Mubarak license plate numbers. Yeah, President Mubarak has to participate in the openings or inaugurations of several projects and structures that doesn't require a prime minister to attend such as 6 October Highway bridge, several farms at Toshka valley, a factory owned by one of his gang or close person or events such graduation of military faculties' classes of several branches of his army, national days like 6 October war celebrations, 23rd of July coup remembrance and many other events. He also "honoured" Cairo's Al Ahly Sports club centenary celebrations by attending the football match against FC Barcelona of Spain. I guess the military classes graduation follows a certain protocol which dictates the presence of the president. But also the final of the football's Egypt cup should be attended by the president as it has been always attended by the king but the president always delegates his head of guards